
Spindle Overheating and Damage: Could Be Due to Incorrect Installation of Precision Machine Tool Bearings!

Here's the scenario: A friend's equipment kept experiencing shaft failures, with the root cause being overheating of the shaft. Despite trying bearings from several manufacturers specializing in precision machine tools, the issue persisted. Upon on-site inspection and guidance, it was discovered that the installation process was incorrectly executed, resulting in the bearings running hot during operation. This eventually led to the failure of the machine tool. Even after the machine tool was repaired, the assumption persisted that the issue lay with the bearings. Subsequently, over a dozen bearings were replaced, but the overheating issue persisted. Eventually, the belief shifted to a problem with the machine tool itself, leading to the replacement of the entire machine tool at a substantial loss.


Upon further analysis, it was determined that the root cause lay neither with the machine tool nor with the precision bearings, but rather with the installation process.

I intervened on-site and tailored the installation parameters to suit the specific application scenario. As a result, the machine tool began functioning normally, with no further overheating issues with the bearings!

The key is to design suitable installation parameters based on your machine tool's application scenario and provide guidance on correct installation practices.

So, if your machine tool bearings are experiencing temperature rise issues, instead of simply resorting to replacing precision bearings, it's essential to first check for any installation issues.

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